Thursday, December 11, 2014

Coca-Cola Pork Chops- 8 pork chops, salt and pepper, 1 cup catsup, 1 cup coca-cola, brown sugar.....Place pork chops in a baking pan. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix the catsup and cola, and pour over the pork chops. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake uncovered in a 350 oven for 1 hour or until pork chops are tender. Enjoy! I also tried this with gooooood
Christmas Coal Recipe
1/4 cup butter
10 ounces marshmallows
1/8 tsp. black food coloring
4 cups rice cereal
Melt butter and add marshmallows in a large saucepan. Add black food coloring and mix in well. Add rice cereal and stir until blended. Drop by small spoonfuls onto waxed or parchment paper. Make different shapes and sizes. Cool.
Place 3-5 of them into a small cellophane or ziptop bag and tie with ribbon.
Include a tag saying…
“I heard you have been naughty not nice,
And Santa even checked his list twice.
So all the way from the cold North Pole
all you’re getting is a bag of coal.
My weekend product - I have a old ceiling fan ( the one with a light bar) and license plates. Looks easy! I will post pictures, maybe, but we will see. Now this is for my garage not the house. Men have their "Men Cave", I have my "DoDa Cave". Wish me luck!